My Workout Regimen

My Workout Regimen

I just finished workout number 46 of my 80 day program. I’m following the nutrition plan as close as I can and I’ve done all of the work outs. It’s taken me a long time, years actually, to fit workouts into my day as a working mom, but I think I have figured it. I wanted to share my current workout regiment in case you are struggling to fit workouts into your life like I was before. Maybe what is working for me will work for you too!

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Happenings Lately

Happenings Lately

This week has been so crazy but so good at the same time. I feel bad taking a week off from posting but I needed the time to organize myself and my thoughts, plus I couldn't get anything out of my head and onto the keys anyways. I have a bunch of random topics swirling in my head so I am going to do a "Lately" and get it all out in one post. 

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Health Goal: Starting a New Program!

Health Goal: Starting a New Program!

After I had Macie, I was itching to workout. This isn't a common feeling for me. I'm not the person that craves the gym and never misses a workout. Once I was cleared by the doctor, I purchased the 21 Day Fix workout program from Beachbody. This seemed like the perfect thing to kickstart my body post baby. I followed the program to a T with my workouts and nutrition, drank Shakeology daily and within three weeks I saw major changes to my body. I was back to pre-baby size.

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::Get Fit:: Stretch Marks Before and After!

If you've been reading for a while, you know that right after Henley was born I posted my goals for getting fit and healthy post partum. As part of that post I mentioned that I started using a cream on my stretch marks. I was initially using Bio Oil but had read great reviews about Mama Mio's Goodbye Stretch Marks so decided to give it a try. 

The directions say to use it three times a day but I didn't have time to dedicate to that. I put it on in the morning and any time I got out of the shower. I didn't use it on my breasts if I knew I would be feeding Henley soon thereafter and the marks on my breasts are darker than my stomach. This makes sense since I was much more diligent about putting it on my belly, I really didn't want Henley ingesting the lotion. I am about halfway through my second bottle of this.

Here we are three months since that post (five months since Henley's birth) with results from using this lotion. We have been going to the beach lately and my hubs pointed out how light the marks were. I knew they were getting better but hearing someone else point it out was great to hear. I took pictures this morning and now seeing the pictures side by side is proof how well they look. I almost didn't believe it. 

Before w/o flash
After w/o flash
Before w/ flash

After w/ flash

I am so pleased with these results. If you are having problems with stretch marks I highly recommend this cream. It's $70 but worth it for me. I just wanted to share and let you all know there is hope!

Thanks to the short week it's already Thursday! Yay! 

Mere :-)

::Get Fit:: Clean Eating

Clean Eating---I have been hearing this term thrown around a lot recently and I thought I’d look into it. While I have been working out, I have not been diligent with my diet and nutrition. Breastfeeding uses a lot of calories and I am hungry very often throughout the day. This has resulted in me consuming whatever is available and while I am getting healthier and closer to my pre-pregnancy body, I feel like I need more---I still have a little ways to go to what I want my end result to be. What I eat affects my mood and how I feel overall, it even affects my self-esteem. I find myself feeling much better and much more confident when I eat better. All of this has led me to my interest in Clean Eating.

The best resource I have found so far for information on this has been The Gracious Pantry. She has explanations of how Clean Eating works, grocery lists, and tons of recipes! From what I've read and derived from online research, Clean Eating is eating as close to nature as possible. We need to limit processed foods overall. No white flour or white sugar, no chemically-enhanced foods, and no artificial flavors---a good rule of thumb is to shop the perimeter of the store and limit everything else to foods with less than 5-6 ingredients and to make sure the ingredients are foods we can pronounce.

Working full time and having an infant can make eating healthy difficult and while I plan to begin this Clean Eating, I am not going to kill myself in the process. My plan is to grocery shop with these guidelines as best as I can and eat out as little as possible. I feel with this as a starting point I am bound to get healthier and feel better overall.

Here is my meal planning for the week:

Breakfast: Oatmeal (either steel cut or rolled oats. Steel cut is best but I may have to ease into that since I wasn't a fan the last time I tried them)

Morning Snack: Greek yogurt with honey or fresh fruit

M: Chicken breast on Ezekiel bread with tomato and avocado
T: Salad with roma tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, chicken, and balsamic dressing (I’m going to look for an organic, all-natural one)
W: Brown rice with black beans and chicken
R: Chicken breast on Ezekiel bread with tomato and avocado
F: Salad with roma tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, chicken, and balsamic dressing

Afternoon Snack: Hard boiled eggs or fresh fruit

M: Stuffed Bell Peppers
T: Tandoori Chicken with brown rice
W: Whole wheat pasta with chicken, roma, and basil
R: Tilapia lime tacos
F: Grilled chicken with pineapple and brown rice flavored with pineapple and allspice

This is my busy week at work and I usually end up eating crappy foods when I am busy. My plan is to go grocery shopping today and arrive at work stocked so I don’t end up with temptation. My weakness is definitely going to be sweets, ever since I was pregnant I have had a craving for something sweet after dinner and that has continued since Henley was born. I’ll be sure to keep fruit around just for these situations.

Any of you try Clean Eating before? Wish me luck!---oh and Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Mere :-)

::Get Fit:: 30 Day Shred Results

It's a little delayed but here are my 30 Day Shred results. I have to admit that I lost steam. Level 1 and Level 2 were great and I didn't miss any days at all. Level 3 however is a different story. I actually liked Level 3 more than Level 2 but by the time I got there in the program I was a little burnt. 

Level 3 has a lot of planking and other moves that require pressure on the wrists. My wrists bug me often and just doing the Level 3 workout 2-3 times was causing me aching wrists. This issue combined with the lack of motivation resulted in 2 weeks of no workouts. 

I went ahead and took pictures today to show you. I can definitely see some difference but not drastic changes. This is pretty humbling experience so please bear with me. :-)

Like I said, not dramatic but just enough to keep me going. I should note that I ate pretty much the same as always and didn't follow any strict diet or nutrition guides. I'm hesitant to workout and change my diet at the same time due to breastfeeding, I've heard it can mess with supply.

Next steps: I have Jillian's 90 Day Body Revolution and I think I'm going that direction for my next phase. Hopefully in 90 days these "afters" will be my "befores"!

Hope everything is going well. We've had some wakeful night lately so I'm pretty exhausted. Heading to bed!

Over the hump, Friday's around the corner!!

Mere :-)

::Get Fit:: Still Going!...and a Little Henley

I have to say that I am pretty dang proud of myself! I am still going on with the 30 Day Shred. I just completed Day 14 and am on Level 2. I have to say that Level 2 is way more difficult than Level 1----so much so that I am finding it a little more difficult to get motivated. The good thing about these workouts is that from start to finish, it's less than 30 minutes so once I start, which is the hardest part, there is really no point in stopping.

Level 1 went by rather quickly, Level 2 is dragging a little more. I took pictures at Day 10 and I am praying for even better results at Level 2---6 days away!

Tomorrow is FRIDAY! This week has been my "busy week" of the month and the first time I haven't been off in time to get Henley. I have really missed that little thing, every moment with her is special. Luckily I've been home in time for bedtime each night but I will be glad to be back to normal next week.

And because I have had way too many picture-free posts lately, here are some of the latest and greatest!

 This is one of my all-time favorite pictures!

Happy Friday! 

Mere :-)

::Get Fit:: 30 Day Shred---Level 1

Well I have completed Level One of 30 Day Shred. I'm glad that I'm onto the next round, it was started to get a little boring. When I can quote the "motivation" that Jillian is about to spout off, it's time to move on to the next one.

There was a noticeable difference in my endurance from Day 1 of this Level. What I have learned from this set is (1) I hate, hate, pushups and (2) Anterior Shoulder Raises are my arch nemisis! Even so, I was still getting better as those also.

Last night I took pictures for comparison and took my measurements again. My measurements were pretty much the same but with the pictures I could see a little difference. It wasn't significant by any means but just enough to show me that it's doing something! I can't wait to get to the end and see the results.

Monday, Not-So-Fun Day again. This is my busy week at work, first since being back, which means Dad is on Henley duty. I'm hoping not to work past 6:30/7:00 but we will see. Hoping for the best.

I hope your Monday is awesome!

Mere :-)

::Get Fit:: 30 Day Shred Days 4, 5, 6, & 7

Guess what---I'm still sticking with the 30 Day Shred workouts! It feels so good to spend 30 minutes at the end of the day working on me. I can feel my endurance getting better with each day. I've completed the first week and it feels great.

Day 4: This has been the best day so far! I was able to do more push up than I ever have before. I didn't fail out while doing the first set of arm raises with weights either (I did fail out on the second set but this is progress!) I felt great after this workout and felt very motivated to keep going!

Day 5: Today was the first day where I wasn't 100% gung-ho to get this started. Henley went to bed a little later so I didn't get started until 9pm .The great thing about this workout is that once you get started and get through the first circuit, you are more than a third of the way there, might as well keep going!

Day 6: Thought of the day---I hate push ups. I did 15 which is the most I've been able to do so I know I'm getting stronger but it still stinks! I don't enjoy them and I'm afraid if I go down too far I'm going to face plant into the carpet!

Day 7: The Level 1 DVD is getting a little repetitive but I do like that I know what's coming----only three days left and then onto Level 2! Good news is I was able to do both sets of arm raises without failing!! Score!

As you can see I'm sticking with it. I can't wait to show you the (hopefully great) results. I plan on taking pictures and measurements after each Level as a benchmark. I'll keep you posted!

In other news----tomorrow is Friday! Yippee!!

Have a great Friday---hope it FLIES by!

Mere :-)