Happenings Lately

This week has been so crazy but so good at the same time. I feel bad taking a week off from posting but I needed the time to organize myself and my thoughts, plus I couldn't get anything out of my head and onto the keys anyways. I have a bunch of random topics swirling in my head so I am going to do a "Lately" and get it all out in one post. 


I posted on Monday about the start of my fitness program, 80 Day Obsession. I am so proud to say that I am sticking with the workouts and nutrition, taking the supplements, and following it to a T. Doing this has taken a lot of energy and time but I think now that I see what it entails, I will be able to better organize my weeks to fit in everything I love to do---blogging being one of those! I've read that we will likely feel tired in the beginning due to the changes in diet and effort with the workouts which I have felt. I am hoping this coming week is kind to me and I am able to start feeling energized.


I'm really embracing my word of the year, SIMPLE, lately. I find myself tossing things left and right---things I don't use, like, need, or want. I find the guilt surrounding certain items to be so interesting. Sometimes I want to keep things just because of their cost, other times because I used to love it. Once I get past that, I feel so good sloughing off the layers of "stuff". I still have a ways to go but have made a decent dent so far. 


Last weekend we decided to spend the day at Disney. We left the house at 8am and got home around 9:30 that night. We didn't do anything with a crazy wait and I got FastPasses for a few princesses. The girls got to see Jasmine and Aladdin for the first time and I genuinely think Henley had a crush, she was googly-eyed and soft-spoken. I sat there is disbelief that I have a child that will start getting crushes soon.

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I started watching The Magnificent Mrs. Maisel and I am really enjoy it. There aren't many episodes so I'll likely finish this week but a winner in my books. Speaking of books---reading "It's Okay to Laugh" by Nora McInerny Purmortand her chapter about our own mother's is spot on!!!


I'm wearing shorts today for probably only the third or fourth time this year. We have had tons of cold weather, it's been so great! We've had nights by the fire pit and I've discovered the amazing thing that is joggers. So comfy!! I have this pair on my radar too! 

I'm off to organize the house for the week ahead---bags to pack, lunches to make. I hope you all have a great week!!