::Foodie:: Hello Fresh!

Let's talk food! Have any of you tried these companies that have fresh groceries and meal plans delivered right to your door, ready to be made? Well we have and I have to say we love it!!!

It all started with a Christmas gift from my Dad and Toni, a gift card for Blue Apron. We thought it sounded cool and eventually signed up for a week to be delivered in February.

Our first order was Chicken Schnitzel, Cod with Udon noodles, and a Pork dish. Everything was great.

Since Google is creepy and knows my every move, I then saw advertising for Hello Fresh, same concept. One shipment of three meals is $69.99 and the Google deal was $35 off. I signed up and picked my meals and they were delivered Monday evening, ready to be made.

These meals were amazing and we are official hooked, we just made our last meal of our fourth Hello Fresh shipment tonight. Every single meal has been so good. The flavors are unique and not combinations we would typically put together.

When you get the box it is packaged with ice and everything you would need except oil, butter, salt and pepper.

The packaging is seriously the cutest thing, like look at this ketchup and mayo they sent for burgers tonight!!

You get the recipe and all measurements for both a 2 serving and a 4 serving meal. (excuse the quality, these are pictures I took and texted to my best friend)

I like too that I am able to recreate any meals that I really love. The meals have a difficulty level and a time to cook listed on each one. I've only had 1 or 2 meals that were more difficult than the "easy" level. Overall, this is so fun to do and so easy. It's awesome as working parents to come home and have everything not only planned but also portioned and measured, there is very little thinking that actually goes into this----exactly what I need.

Here are some of the meals we've made.

Mahi Mahi Piccata over Cous Cous

Panko Parmesan Chicken Salad (this has been my fave!!)

Shrimp with Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto

Fiesty Fish Tacos with Cabbage and Grapefuit Slaw

Steak with Chimmicurri over Cous Cous

Everything has a different twist and honestly a few times I've been skeptical that the flavors wouldn't work but they always do!!! 

I highly recommend this, if you are interested my referral code is: 3SRJLL. You get $40 of of your first box if you use this code.

1Go to www.hellofresh.com
2Choose your box
3Enter your personal code at checkout

Let me know if you try it! I'm curious to hear what you think!!

Mere :-)