2017 Reflections

At the end of 2016, I set aside time to create goals and plans for the new year ahead. I had signed up for a Year of Creativity course to begin to expand my creativity into new mediums. I created a word of the year, INTENTION, and created intentional goals for the first time ever. Sure I had made resolutions before but nothing quite like making goals that mattered and meant something.

Here I am, exactly a year later, looking back on all of 2017 and assessing how I did on my goals. In some ways I excelled, in other I fell short but overall, I feel 2017 was a great year. Sure we had some unusual and trying situations --- a plane hitting our kids' daycare, a tropical storm flood followed by a major hurricane a week later, and politics that nightmares are made of --- but we did it, together as a family and are stronger because of it. 

I started the year with quite a few goals and did periodic checks of my goals. Instead of focusing on the goals I fell short on, I want to recap the things that went well this year. 

Financially, we started college prepaid accounts for both girls, created a MINT.com budget that we stuck to most of the time, and paid off three credit cards. 

In regards to my health goals, I worked out consistently until about September (thanks Hurricane). Once the hurricane hit followed quickly with holidays I really fell off track. Despite this I did manage to hit my step goal most days, drink my Shakeology most mornings, and stay below 150 lbs (although I haven't stepped on a same this week haha). 

Within my family, I wanted to set aside more intentional time as a family both together and one-on-one. We fell short on time alone with the girls but my husband and I regularly were able to have date nights about once a month (thanks Mom!). We also got Macie swim lessons and went to Disney more times than I can count. 

Personally, I began to really focus on being creative. I've learned that I need a creative outlet to really be me. I need something outside of my 8-5 job that works a different muscle to really be happy. This year I signed up for a Year of Creativity through Coffee + Crumbs and while I had a hard time finishing it towards the end of the year, the information I learned was invaluable and I wrote some pieces that I'm really proud of (here, here, and here). I launched my blog on a new platform and started blogging regularly. I read almost 27 books, not quite my goal of 35 but still something I'm proud of. Overall, this was a year that my family and relationship with my husband grew significantly. I feel I grew as a person and have really enjoyed being happy with who I am. I feel the cloud of "new motherhood" has lifted and I am a fully functioning adult again. 

As I turn the last page in my most beloved Lifeplanner, I am proud of the year behind me and looking forward to another great year ahead. 

Thank you 2017---it's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been really fun!