Weekend Recap

Our long weekend has come to an end (hold me!). These past five days off have been amazing. We spent Wednesday prepping for Thanksgiving then we headed to visit Santa before the lines start getting too long. Macie has cried sitting on Santa's lap the last two years. This year was no different, she wanted nothing to do with him again. Henley, of course, ran up and was so excited to chat with him. We told Macie that if she didn't tell Santa what she wanted, she wouldn't get it. She replied "I want no-ting". Ok then. We didn't force it and ended up with a picture like this. 


Black Friday was spent decorating for Christmas and putting away all of our fall decorations. I have been accumulating little finds over the last few weeks and now that I see it all together, Target this year was on point--so many great things! I like to stick to whites, silvers, and grays for our Christmas decorations and this year I have added some pops of red. We went and grabbed a tree at one of the local tree lots and decorated it while watching the Trolls holiday special. Macie tried helping but was getting frustrated with the ornaments falling off of the branches. She did like unboxing all of the Disney ornaments that her Gigi has passed down to us though. I'll share some pictures this week of our decorated house. 


Friday night our elf came back and brought a friend! Macie was a tad skeptical but Henley was so excited Sprinkles has a friend. Macie named her Poppy. 


Saturday night we ended up at the beach to take some pictures of the girls for our Christmas card. I found an idea of Pinterest of using a sled on the beach. Being in FL, this was as close as we would come to "snowy" Christmas card pictures. I hunted online for a used sled to buy with no luck so Amazon Prime to the rescue, it was actually a similar price to the used ones for sale. The girls ended up loving it, Macie was talking about going "sleighing" on the beach again soon as I was laying her down for the night. I don't want to give too much away but here is a pretty cute sneak peek of the fun the girls were having.


Sunday was full of chores for the week ahead, peppered with bits of fun for the girls. This weekend really was great. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year---Thanksgiving plus ramping up for Christmas. How was your weekends? Have you started the Christmas season in your house also?

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