::Henley:: It's My Birthday!

We made it. Henley is exactly one year old (almost to the minute of me starting this post) and what's even more exciting is that Ted's cousin just delivered her little girl! Birthday twins just one year apart, I'm waiting to hear what the exact time was because it should be really close!

Ted and I took the day off today and spent the whole day enjoying our perfect little baby. We started the day with waking at 6. By waking at six I mean we went to bed and didn't wake again until 6.  This is the first time this has happened since I was pregnant. It was the perfect start to the day. We had breakfast and played with her new toys from her party. After nap time we went to Chik-fil-a for lunch then headed to the C'mon (Children's Museum of Naples). It was so fun!

This will be the last post for her monthly updates but don't worry---I'll keep updating you for her exciting and adorable pictures :-)

Mere :-)